
Latest Update 27 May 2024

Please review the Returns & Exchange Policies carefully.

Table of Contents

Returns Policy

If you are unhappy with the product you purchased, you must contact the seller of the product in order to request a refund of the product that you would like to return.  You are solely responsible for returning the product to the seller in its original state and for all related costs.

To receive a refund or exchange, items must be returned in original condition within 30 days of your order date when purchased online or 20 days if purchased in store.  Original condition means the item is not washed, worn (aside from trying it on), damaged or altered and returned with all tags and original packaging.  Pending inspection, an exchange, refund or credit in the original form of payment will be issued. 

All merchandise sold as sets must be returned as sets.  No returns are allowed on custom or clearance items.

Additionally, original shipping cost will be deducted from all refunds, as this constitutes a hard cost on the seller’s end.  However, in the event of an error on the seller’s part with the order, the seller will not apply this deduction.

Any item that is received as a return and is in a non re-sellable condition as new (garments that have been washed, worn during practice, or soiled) cannot be accepted for return and will be sent back to the customer.

Returning Products

  • Wrap merchandise securely.
  • Include a copy of your proof of purchase.
  • Ship your package with a carrier that can provide tracking and insurance. (The FIGHTsuppluSHOP and affiliate sellers are not responsible for packages lost in transit)
  • Ship your package prepaid to the seller of the product.


In most cases a seller should be able to do a one-to-one exchange.   All products needing an exchange must comply with the Return Policies above.

In the event that the seller is unable to provide the select color, size, or style, rather than making an exchange, we ask that you simply place a new order for the item you are looking for and return the original product.