Sellers Agreement

Latest Update 27 May 2024

Please review the Seller's Agreement carefully.

Table of Contents

This Seller’s Agreement is between the Fight Supply Company LLC, here after referred to as “FSCo”, and you the “Seller”.


The FIGHTsupplySHOP, here after referred to as the “Marketplace”, is a marketplace where Sellers can sell their martial arts and fitness apparel, equipment and accessories directly to buyers around the world.  We want to make sure that the Seller and the Seller’s buyers have a positive experience on the Marketplace.  Please read on to find out more about Seller’s rights, as well as what is expected of you, as a seller.


This policy is a part of our Terms of Use.  By opening a Marketplace account, you’re agreeing to this policy and our Terms of Use.


All sellers are expected to adhere to the following policies when listing products on the Marketplace.  Seller offenses and prohibited content can result in suspension of your Marketplace account.


By agreeing to this Seller’s Agreement, you are entering into a legally binding contract with the FSCo. This Agreement outlines the terms and conditions governing your use of the Marketplace, to sell products or services.  Please read this Agreement carefully before using the Marketplace.  By registering as a seller and using our services, you agree to comply with this Agreement.


To become a seller on the Marketplace, you must register for an account.  You agree to provide accurate and complete information during the registration process.  You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account credentials and ensuring that your account information is up to date.


You may only use the Marketplace if you are at least 18 years old or the legal age of majority in your jurisdiction and have the legal authority to enter into and fulfill contracts.


This policy requires that sellers act fairly and honestly on the Marketplace to ensure a safe buying and selling experience. All sellers must:

  • Provide accurate information to the Marketplace and our customers at all times
  • Act fairly and not misuse the Marketplace’s features or services
  • Not attempt to damage or abuse another Seller, their listings or ratings
  • Not attempt to influence customers’ ratings, feedback, and reviews
  • Not send unsolicited or inappropriate communications
  • Not contact customers except through Buyer-Seller Messaging
  • Not attempt to circumvent the Marketplace sales process
  • Not operate more than one selling account on the Marketplace without a legitimate business need
  • Not engage in conduct that violates price fixing laws


Violating the Code of Conduct or any other Marketplace policies may result in actions against your account, such as cancellation of listings, suspension or forfeiture of payments, and removal of selling privileges.  More details about these policies are below.


As a Seller, you are responsible for creating and maintaining accurate and complete product listings on the Marketplace.  This includes providing detailed product descriptions, pricing information, and relevant product details.


Product listings must not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of others.


You must have the necessary rights, permissions, and licenses to sell the products or services you list on the Marketplace.


You must provide accurate information to the Marketplace and our customers, and update the information if it changes.  For example, this means that you must use a business name that accurately identifies your business and list your products in the correct category.


You shall ensure that the Marketplace’s use of Seller’s Product Listings will not violate any intellectual property rights of non-parties, or

  • contain defamatory or discriminatory content;
  • constitute an invasion of a party’s rights of privacy or publicity; and/or
  • reflect unfavorably on the Marketplace, the website and/or other Sellers on the websites.


Seller shall not create Product Listings that:

  • offer products that are inauthentic, counterfeit, replicas or knock-off goods;
  • offer any Restricted Products;
  • offer Products that the Seller does not currently have in stock;
  • promote or engage in any deceptive trade practice (including spoofing, slamming,cramming, phishing, or attempting to scam or defraud a Marketplace customer into surrendering private and/or personal information);

  • contain nudity or pornographic, obscene, or offensive content; or
  • use any Marketplace trademarks or imply that the Marketplace endorses or approves the Product Listing.


You are responsible for fulfilling customer orders promptly and shipping products to customers within the specified handling time.


In the event that you encounter any issues that may affect order fulfillment, such as inventory shortages or delays, you must promptly inform the customer and take appropriate actions to resolve the situation.


You must not engage in any fraudulent, deceptive, or illegal activities while using the Marketplace.


You must not sell counterfeit, stolen, or unauthorized products or services.


You must not engage in unfair competition practices or violate the intellectual property rights of others.


Seller must act fairly and lawfully and may not misuse any service provided by the Marketplace.  Examples of unfair activities include:

  • Providing misleading or inappropriate information to the Marketplace or our customers, such as by creating multiple detail pages for the same product or posting offensive product images
  • Manipulating sales rank (such as by accepting fake orders or orders that the Seller has paid for, or refunded externally or orders that the Seller discounted externally) or making claims about sales rank in product titles or descriptions
  • Attempting to increase the price of a product after an order is confirmed
  • Artificially inflating web traffic (using bots or paying for clicks, for example)
  • Attempting to influence search results by inflating search ranking through keyword manipulation or incentivizing customers’ searches to appear as organic behavior
  • Attempting to damage another Seller, their listings or ratings
  • Allowing other people to act on the Seller’s behalf in a way that violates the Marketplace’s policies or Seller’s agreement with the Marketplace


Seller may not attempt to influence or inflate customers’ ratings, reviews or feedback. Seller may request feedback and reviews from Seller’s own customers in a neutral manner, but may not:

  • Pay for or offer an incentive (such as coupons or free products) in exchange for providing or removing feedback or reviews
  • Ask customers to write only positive reviews or ask them to remove or change a review
  • Solicit reviews only from customers who had a positive experience
  • Review Seller’s own products or a competitors’ products


As a Seller, you are expected to provide excellent customer service.  This includes responding to customer inquiries, requests, and issues in a timely and professional manner.


If a customer requests a return, refund, or exchange, you should follow the designated return and refund policy provided by the Marketplace.


You have the autonomy to set the price for your products or services.  However, the price you advertise on the Marketplace should be accurate and not misleading.


You agree to pay the applicable fees or commissions as outlined in the fee structure for each successful transaction.


Seller may not send unsolicited or inappropriate messages.  All communications to customers must be sent through the Messaging system and be necessary for fulfilling the order or providing customer services.  Direct marketing communications are prohibited through the messaging system.


If Seller receives customer information such as addresses or phone numbers to fulfill orders, Seller may use that information only to fulfill orders and must delete it after the order has been processed.  Seller may not use customer information to contact customers (except through the Messaging system) or share it with any third-party.


Seller may not attempt to circumvent the Marketplace sales process or divert the Marketplace customers to another website. This means that the Seller may not provide links or messages that prompt users to visit any external website or complete a transaction elsewhere.


Seller may only maintain one Seller account unless the Seller has a legitimate business need to open a second account and all of Seller’s accounts are in good standing.  If any of the Seller’s accounts are not in good standing, we may deactivate all of Seller’s accounts until all accounts are in good standing.


Examples of a legitimate business justification include:

  • Seller owns multiple brands and maintain separate businesses for each
  • Seller manufacture products for two distinct and separate companies


You are responsible for complying with all applicable laws, regulations, and standards, including but not limited to consumer protection, data privacy, and product safety regulations.


You must not sell any products or services that are prohibited by law or pose a risk to public safety or health.


The FSCo reserves the right to suspend or terminate your seller account if you violate this Agreement or engage in any activities that harm the Marketplace, its users, or its reputation.


In case of termination, you are responsible for fulfilling any pending orders and resolving any outstanding customer issues.


The FSCo may update this Seller’s Agreement from time to time, and the updated version will be posted on the Marketplace.  It is your responsibility to review and comply with the most current version of the Agreement.


By continuing to use the Marketplace and its services as a seller, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to this Seller’s Agreement.